Earth Groove: Make Your Peace
Peace Not War Japan is pleased to be teaming up with Parties 4 Peace this Friday, December 11th to present EARTH GROOVE --an event that will bring together a diverse collection of artists, musicians and activists to promote environmental awareness and peace through music, art and dance.
Parties 4 Peace describes itself on its website as an event production group that creates parties to promote peace through music and dance. By bringing people together from all nations, cultures and backgrounds, P4P hopes to integrate people from all over the world to create international understanding and peace. P4P is a non-profit production company that only works with DJs who volunteer their time and talent by playing its events for free.
Parties 4 Peace has spearheaded a number of recent projects to raise funds and encourage awareness (especially among the young generation) regarding various initiatives, including one to protect the natural surroundings of the Patagonia region in Chile. Multinational corporations are seeking to begin a hydroelectric project in the area, threatening destruction of its gorgeous glaciers and lakes.
The brochure for the project, which is titled PATAGONICA (a clever amalgam of "Patagonia" with the "electronica" style of dance music), reads as follows:
The PATAGONICA collective was founded in the year 2009 with the Parties for Peace events in Patagonia, in collaboration with the oldest environmental NGO in Chile, CODEFF, which is working to promote Patagonia as a World Heritage Site. The formation of the collective is attributed to the opportunities provided by the International NGO Peace Boat, which travels around the world promoting peace and sustainability.
A video describing the project, which includes footage from the Patagonia region and interviews (in English and Japanese) with event attendees and Parties 4 Peace/PATAGONICA founder Emilie McGlone, is here.
At the "Earth Groove" party this Friday, all proceeds will go to support P4P and several other collaborating organizations: Peace Boat; PangeaSeed, which raises awareness regarding the plight of sharks; and Peace Not War Japan, which supports grassroots peace organizations through events combining live music and peace-themed discussions.
Tokyo's up and coming DJs will be at the decks providing some amazing music for a come out and feel the positive vibes while making the earth groove!
2009.12.11 (FRIDAY)
“make your peace”@ FAVELA IN AOYAMA
TIME: 22:00 – 05:00
DOOR: 3000 yen / 2500 with flyer
** Includes one FREE DRINK + food **
Sam Fitzgerald (P4P)
Aosawa (Redbox / Freerange Tokyo)
Bosh (Dial / Log / Valys )
Tazzy (Rhythm Odyssey)
Ahimsa (Burning Desire)
ARTISTS :::::::::::::
COLLAGE: Kyle and Lindsey
FASHION: Fair Trade fashion by DAWN, Philippines; Me&Yu fashion
LIVE ART: Aaron Glasson & Crew (R.A.H, Sideroom, Blackbox); Yoh Nagao;
Rah Akaishi (R.A.H Collective);
For more information: Parties 4 Peace